Tips for Cleaning Natural Stone

Tips for Cleaning Natural Stone

Natural stone is a beautiful option for many areas around the home. Because these stones are natural, there are some precautions that can be taken in order to preserve the look and quality of that stone for many years to come. With proper knowledge of natural stone, its preservation can most definitely be acheived.

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Lend a Hand Project

Lend a Hand Project

Giving back is something that we find very important, and we desire to do it more. This year we are hoping to make a bigger impact in our community. In order to do so, we have created our Lend a Hand Project, in which we will be focusing on a specific organization each month of the year.

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4 Tips for Mixing Metals in your Home Decor

4 Tips for Mixing Metals in your Home Decor

Mixing metals is a great way to give your home dimension and visual interest. That being said, although there aren’t really any “rules”, there are some tips you can follow to ensure your metals end up looking like an eclectic mix of elements that flow well together as opposed to looking like competing design elements that are fighting to be the focus of a space. 

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